
Avoiding POA Chaos, Part II: Planning Best Practices
By Sue Iannone Famous general and former President, Dwight D. Eisenhower once said, “In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is […]
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Avoiding POA Chaos, Part I
By Sue Iannone According to Dictionary.com, “chaos” is defined as “a state of utter confusion or disorder; a total lack of organization or […]
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Are You a Performance Consultant…or an Order Taker?
By Sue Iannone Imagine this:  You are a training manager in the L&D Department of a biotech company, supporting the leading brand.  The […]
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Proving Your Worth: Training Business Reviews
By Sue Iannone In life sciences, business reviews are conducted frequently in the commercial areas, especially sales, marketing, and market access.   During these […]
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When Business Objectives Trump Learning Objectives
By Nathan Pienkowski Should a Learning and Development (L&D) organization deliver above and beyond the call of duty, going “all in” to apply […]
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Get What You Need: How to Build a Business Case
By Sue Iannone We all…well, maybe some of us…remember the chorus lyrics from a famous Rolling Stones song: You can't always get what […]
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How to Do Less with Less
By Sue Iannone Let’s start this article by establishing one fact up front:  That old cliché about how we all should “do more […]
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Are You a Strategic Leader…Or Overwhelmed?
By Sue Iannone Part Two in a Series In Part One, we outlined seven characteristics of the “Future Learning and Development Organization.”  Those […]
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Getting Out of Today and Into the Future
By Sue Iannone and Garry O'Grady Part One in a Series The biopharmaceutical industry is not known for dull stability.  Think about it… […]
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Bull City Blue is an end-to-end learning agency created to address the needs of training and development organizations within the life sciences industry. Bull City Blue is headquartered in Durham, N.C. and is a subsidiary of BCL, a full-service learning development and consulting agency.
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